New flags for the general CONFIG.JM part ======================================== For version: 0.99beta20 TICTemp Path were generated TIC files are stored. DisableFilefix Disable the internal FileFix. CheckTickDupes Check for dupe files. This is done like in echomail by a CRC which are stored in a TICDUPES.SYS file. AutoSend Send files automatically to the network. is the ID for the auto- sending. The Autosend can be activated via a special flag in the command line and the . is the area where the files are send into. is the specification for the files that should be send to the network. It can contain wildcarts. will be used as the file description if no description is found in the FILES.BBS file of the destination area. Example: AutoSend NeSTList 90_LIST D:\TMP\NESTLIST.Z* NeSTList for day ### Attention: You can use multiple AutoSends with the same ! AutoTicArea Same as AutoArea, but for TIC areas. New areas are added with flags "ORS" for the initiating system. Overwrite Allow JetMail to overwrite existing files in your filebase with incoming files. New flags for link definitions ============================== FilefixPwd Password to be used for fileecho maintenance via filefix. This password is set to Password or AreafixPwd if not defined. TicPassword Defines a password to be used in TIC files instead of the FilefixPwd. TicPassive [groups] Set groups passive. No file arriving (in the specified groups) is send to the link. AutoTICArea Allow autoadding of TIC areas for this link. The area is added with group. NoTicNotify Do NOT send a file reminder netmail for every file sent to a node. This is remote switchable via %NOTIFY ON/OFF CompressTICs Bundle all TICs for that system into one archive. The compression method of ArcMode is used. [not yet implemented] ATTENTION !!! The password in the TIC file is similar to the password used in mailpackets. For this reason, JetMail uses the mailpassword defined in the link definition also as password for the TIC file. Only if there is no mailpassword available JetMail will use the filefix password for the TIC's. ========================================================================== There are some new flags/statements for the Group definitions. These flags are mainly for announcing processed files: TicGroup Declares this group as a TIC group. Without this statement the group would be treated as an echomail group. Header Header to be placed before any fileannouncement. Footer Footer to be placed after any fileannouncement. Subject Subject used for the Annoucement message. The files are announced in every area defined via the Announce statement. In future versions of the Ticker UseNetNaming and MsgBase will become a meaning when autoadding of fileareas will be implemented. RECOGNIZED FLAGS IN TICKECHO.BBS ================================ The format of the TICKECHO.BBS file is in most parts identical to the AREAS.BBS file. The path of the filearea is followed by the areaname and the connected nodes. As in AREAS.BBS you can specify special areaflags before the main entry. In addition you must specify the mailflavour and permissions after every node. Example: F:\FAN\UTIL\MISC\ FAN.UTIL.MISC 2:246/ ORS 244/4344 S Flavour flags: O: Normal (OFT) H: Hold (HFT) [default, unnecessary] I: Immediate (IFT) C: Crash (CFT) Security flags: R: Receive (link is allowed to send files into this area) S: Send (Files are send to the link) Not all of the following features for the JetMail ticker are yet implemented. In most cases you will find keywords you already know from AREAS.BBS. -Days Files older number of days will be deleted during crunch. Files are never deleted if no -Days keyword is present. [Not yet implemented] -Password Defines a special access password for this area (and has nothing to do with the password which is used in the TIC file). -Desc -Group -ForceConnect -NoForce -NoConnect -NoDisconnect -Stripseenby -NoAddAkas -Local Exactly the same meaning as in your AREAS.BBS file. -UseAlias Use this address for the From field in TIC. -NoFilesBBS Don't write an entry to FILES.BBS file. -Secondary Defines secondary areas. If files are received in this areas, they are re-distributed in the in the area for which you used this keyword. -NoAnnounce Prevents files in this area to be announced. -Replace -NoReplace Turn on/off TIC Replace support for this area only. JetMail checks for at least four significant characters in the Replace string, so noone can use "*.*". If you are paranoid, just use the CONFIG.JM keyword "NoReplace" No dupe checking is performed if an incoming file replaces some file(s). -Continue Same as -Continue in [D]AREAS.BBS -Overwrite Same as the global "Overwrite", but just for this specific area.